También considere: long for sigh for <>
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Italian versionIt

English versionEn
Indice delle schede di Italiano
Palabras encontradas:
suspirar = sigh ... INFINITIVO Presente 1 pers. sing.
(Detalles abajo)
Conjugación de: , suspiré, suspirado
intransitivo - attiva
Yo suspiro
Tu suspiras
El/Ella/Eso suspira
Nosotros suspiramos
Vosotros suspiráis
Ellos/Ellas/Esos suspiran
I sigh
You sigh
He/She/It sighs
We sigh
You sigh
They sigh
Pretérito imperfecto
Yo suspiraba
Tu suspirabas
El/Ella/Eso suspiraba
Nosotros suspirabamos
Vosotros suspirabais
Ellos/Ellas/Esos suspiraban
I was sighing
You were sighing
He/She/It was sighing
We were sighing
You were sighing
They were sighing
Pretérito perfecto
Yo suspiré
Tu suspiraste
El/Ella/Eso suspiró
Nosotros suspiramos
Vosotros suspirasteis
Ellos/Ellas/Esos suspiraron
I sighed
You sighed
He/She/It sighed
We sighed
You sighed
They sighed
Pretérito perfecto
Yo he suspirado
Tu has suspirado
El/Ella/Eso ha suspirado
Nosotros hemos suspirado
Vosotros habéis suspirado
Ellos/Ellas/Esos han suspirado
I have sighed
You have sighed
He/She/It has sighed
We have sighed
You have sighed
They have sighed
Pretérito plusquamperfecto
Yo había suspirado
Tu habías suspirado
El/Ella/Eso había suspirado
Nosotros habíamos suspirado
Vosotros habíais suspirado
Ellos/Ellas/Esos habían suspirado
I had sighed
You had sighed
He/She/It had sighed
We had sighed
You had sighed
They had sighed
Pretérito anterior
Yo hube suspirado
Tu hubiste suspirado
El/Ella/Eso hubo suspirado
Nosotros hubimos suspirado
Vosotros hubisteis suspirado
Ellos/Ellas/Esos hubieron suspirado
I had sighed
You had sighed
He/She/It had sighed
We had sighed
You had sighed
They had sighed
Futuro imperfecto
Yo suspiraré
Tu suspiraras
El/Ella/Eso suspirará
Nosotros suspiraremos
Vosotros suspirareis
Ellos/Ellas/Esos suspirarán
I will sigh
You will sigh
He/She/It will sigh
We will sigh
You will sigh
They will sigh
Futuro anterior
Yo habré suspirado
Tu habrás suspirado
El/Ella/Eso habrá suspirado
Nosotros habremos suspirado
Vosotros habréis suspirado
Ellos/Ellas/Esos habrán suspirado
I will have sighed
You will have sighed
He/She/It will have sighed
We will have sighed
You will have sighed
They will have sighed
Yo suspire
Tu suspires
El/Ella/Eso suspire
Nosotros suspiremos
Vosotros suspiréis
Ellos/Ellas/Esos suspiren
I (that )may sigh
You (that )may sigh
He/She/It (that )may sigh
We (that )may sigh
You (that )may sigh
They (that )may sigh
Pretérito imperfecto
Yo suspirara
Tu suspiraras
El/Ella/Eso suspirara
Nosotros suspiráramos
Vosotros suspirarais
Ellos/Ellas/Esos suspiraran
I (that )might sigh
You (that )might sigh
He/She/It (that )might sigh
We (that )might sigh
You (that )might sigh
They (that )might sigh
Pretérito perfecto
Yo haya suspirado
Tu hayas suspirado
El/Ella/Eso haya suspirado
Nosotros hayamos suspirado
Vosotros hayáis suspirado
Ellos/Ellas/Esos hayan suspirado
I (whether) sighed
You (whether) sighed
He/She/It (whether) sighed
We (whether) sighed
You (whether) sighed
They (whether) sighed
Yo hubiera suspirado
Tu hubieras suspirado
El/Ella/Eso hubiera suspirado
Nosotros hubiéramos suspirado
Vosotros hubierais suspirado
Ellos/Ellas/Esos hubieran suspirado
I (whether) had sighed
You (whether) had sighed
He/She/It (whether) had sighed
We (whether) had sighed
You (whether) had sighed
They (whether) had sighed
Yo suspiraría
Tu suspirarías
El/Ella/Eso suspiraría
Nosotros suspiraríamos
Vosotros suspiraríais
Ellos/Ellas/Esos suspirarían
I would sigh
You would sigh
He/She/It would sigh
We would sigh
You would sigh
They would sigh
Yo habría suspirado
Tu habrías suspirado
El/Ella/Eso habría suspirado
Nosotros habríamos suspirado
Vosotros habríais suspirado
Ellos/Ellas/Esos habrían suspirado
I would have sighed
You would have sighed
He/She/It would have sighed
We would have sighed
You would have sighed
They would have sighed
Yo -
Tu suspira
El/Ella/Eso suspire
Nosotros suspiremos
Vosotros suspirad
Ellos/Ellas/Esos suspiren
let me sigh
let him sigh
let us sigh
let them sigh
que suspira
Pretérito perfecto
Pretérito perfecto
haber suspirado
have sighed
Pretérito perfecto
habiendo suspirado
having sighed

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